Sr. High Ministry - Spring Youth Retreat
“The Mission of Sr High Ministries is to create a connection with Jesus Christ through fellowship, worship & ministry.”
Home Winter Youth Retreat Sr. High Mission Week Fall Youth Retreat Episcopal Youth Event
When: April 26-27, 2024
Where: Wawasee Episcopal Retreat Center
Cost: $25
RSVP: Space is limited and is first come, first served.
The Spring Youth Retreat for the Diocese of Northern Indiana is for all youth in the diocese in 6th – 12th grade.
Last week, I received several texts from our Sr. High Youth asking for a “Spring Retreat”. I had originally reserved the Wawasee Retreat Center for youth from Province V to gather during the Big Provincial V Event, but when I reached out to the other provincial youth leaders none of them had planned to bring youth to this event. I then cancelled the use of the center for that event.
Last week, when texts from our youth began filling my inbox, I checked with Bishop Doug about having a last minute retreat for any youth who are interested and that can participate. He gave his blessing!!
This is a busy time of year when students are preparing for the end of the school year, finals and getting ready for what their summer holds. The purpose for this retreat will be to be together, relax and hang out with friends and prepare the Wawasee Center for the upcoming summer season of renters. On Saturday, we will bring the outdoor furniture up from the basement and prepare the outside of the building and grounds for the summer.
Pizza will be provided on Friday night and we will provide breakfast and lunch on Saturday. We are asking parents to pick up their youth on Saturday, April 27 at 5 p.m. as this is just a one night retreat.
Please note that the Medical Form has changed and it will now cover the full year for retreats held at the Wawasee Center. These forms can be filled out and emailed to or can be brought to the retreat with the $25 fee.
New forms will be available for Mission Week.
Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks! If you have any questions, contact Carol Bianchini @574-551-3087.