Clergy Resources
Looking for information about serving as or providing for a member of the clergy in the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana? Whether you are searching for information about the Church Pension Group and the Denominational Health Plan or you are wondering whether we have any open positions, this is the place to be!
Pension, Insurance and Other Benefits
The Church Pension Fund (CPF) was founded in 1917 to provide pension benefits to eligible clergy of the Episcopal Church. Since then, with the authorization of General Convention, its mission has expanded. Today, the Church Pension Group (CPG), which consists of CPF and its affiliate companies, provides:
Pension and related benefits to eligible clergy and lay employees
Clergy Pension Plan Revisions, effective January 1, 2018
Life and disability insurance
Property and casualty insurance for Episcopal churches and institutions
Book and music publishing, including the official worship materials of the Episcopal Church.
Medical Insurance
Letters of Agreement and Supporting Documents
All parochial clergy—both priests and deacons—should have Letters of Agreement (LOA) with the parishes for which they regularly serve. While not a contract, per se (expiry of the LOA does not result in the ending of employment), the LOA does spell out mutual expectations for both the clergy and the lay leadership so as to avoid both routine misunderstandings and ill-will in times of crisis.
Clergy and vestry should review and (where necessary) revise their LOA once a year, preferably in time for any changes to be reflected in the parish budget for the coming year. Below you will find materials to help with the creation, review and revision of your LOA:
Letter of Agreement Templates
Letter of Agreement Template for Rectors and Priests in Charge - revised Feb 2019 by Diocesan Council
Letter of Agreement - Deacons - approved Oct 2017 by Diocesan Council
Letter of Agreement - Supply-Plus - revised Feb 2024 by Diocesan Council
Letter of Agreement - Lay Employees - approved Feb 2019 by Diocesan Council
Letter of Agreement - Worksheet - approved Feb 2018 by Diocesan Council *to see without the thick black lines, DOWNLOAD the file (top right hand button)
Supporting Resources:
Minimum Compensation Guidelines approved June 2022 by Diocesan Council for 2023.
For employment inquiries, please email our Missioner for Transitions and Formation, The Rev Canon Terri Bays, PhD.