Diocesan Governing Committees
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana meets annually in Diocesan Convention to make decisions regarding its governance. In convention, all canonically resident clergy and up to three lay delegates from each parish (one from each mission) deliberate together as one body. The hosting of these annual conventions rotates around the diocese from one parish to another.
Between conventions, the work of the diocese is carried out by a number of different governing committees, each with a different purpose and charge. Below the chart is a description of each committee.
Standing Committee
The Standing Committee oversees the legal and canonical relationships between the diocese and the outside world. This includes the disposition of property, consent to the election of bishops throughout the Episcopal Church and the advancement of persons through the ordination process. In the absence of a Bishop or Bishop Coadjutor, the Standing Committee functions as the Ecclesiastical Authority. Resource Guide
The Standing Committee consists of three presbyters and three lay persons. All members are elected by the diocesan convention to serve a term of three years. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms. The current members are:
The Rev. Nathaniel Adishian, PhD (2027; 2nd term)
Ms. Tammy Eggbeer (2026, 1st term)
The Rev. T.J. Freeman, chair (2025; 1st term)
The Rev. Jen Fulton (2026, 1st term)
Mr. Paul Kincaid (2025, 1st term)
Ms. Denise Stacy (2027; 2nd term)
Commission on Ministry
The Commission on Ministry (COM) advises the Bishop and the Standing Committee regarding the preparation of persons for ministry. This includes interviewing persons discerning a calling to ordained ministry (the diaconate or the priesthood), supporting those who have discerned a calling to ordained ministry in their formation process, and reviewing applications for Continuing Education grants for clergy and laity.
The COM is an integral decision-making body in the ordination process. It is comprised of both clergy (priests and deacons) and lay persons who are appointed by the bishop. The current members are:
The Rev. Cn. Terri Bays, PhD (Ex-officio)
The Rev. Cn. Clay Berkley (2026)
The Rev. Joseph Czolgosz (2027)
Mrs. Marie Gambetta, Chair (2025)
The Rev. Richard Lightsey (2006)
Mr. Tarryl Madison (2027)
The Rev. Clark Miller (2026)
Mrs. Susan Moore (2026)
The Rev. Cn. Theodore Neidlinger (Ex-officio)
Dr. Bunmi Okanlami (2025)
The Rev. Terri Peterson (2027)
Mr. Randy Powers (2027)
Mrs. Sandra Provan (2025)
Dr. Gina V. Shropshire (2025)
Mr. Julien Smith (2026)
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas E. Sparks (Ex-officio)
The Rev. Kathy Thomas (2025)
The Rev. Anne Wietstock (2027)
Property and Loan
The Property and Loan Committee advises the Standing Committee regarding the disposition of property. This includes consideration of requests by the Diocesan Council, a parish or mission to incur any indebtedness, obligation or encumberance, review of all (de)construction proposals involving property belonging ultimately to the diocese, and advice regarding diocesan rental of property belonging to others.
The Property and Loan Committee is comprised of both clergy and lay persons with expertise in such relevant fields as finance, law, real estate, architecture, construction, and interior decoration. The current members, appointed by the bishop, are:
Mr. Bruce Boyer
Mr. Matthew Kubik
Ms. Miechi Petro
Mr. Kirk Philippsen, Chair
Mr. Harley Snyder
The Rev. Cn. Michelle Walker (Ex-officio)
Mr. Stephen Wilson
Diocesan Council
The Diocesan Council oversees financial, legislative and programmatic life within the diocese. Council duties include monitoring the Financial Statement of Mission, maintaining diocesan policies and guidelines, staffing and funding diocesan initiatives, entering into contracts and making charitable donations on behalf of the diocese. Diocesan Convention may assign other duties to the Council as well.
The Diocesan Council consists of the Bishop (or the Bishop's designate) as presiding officer, the Secretary and Treasurer of the diocese, and nine elected officers. Each of the three Deaneries elects one cleric and one lay person to serve a term of two years. Diocesan Convention elects three persons at-large, also to serve a two-year term. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms. The current members of Diocesan Council are:
Mr. Larry Fullhart (Central, 2026, 2nd term)
The Rev. Mindy Hancock (East, 2025; 2nd term)
Ms. Cheryl Hastings (At-Large, 2026, 1st term)
The Rev. Terri Peterson (Central, 2025; 1st term)
The Rev. Ted Neidlinger (At-Large, 2025; 1st term)
Ms. Valerie Schlink (West, 2026, 1st term)
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas Sparks, President (Ex-officio)The Rev. Pamela Thiede (West, 2025; 1st term)
Mr. Joe Walker, Treasurer (Ex-officio)
Dr. Steven Wietstock (At-Large, 2026; 2nd term)
Mr. Brice Vinson-Schisler (East, 2026, 1st term)
Social Outreach
The Social Outreach Committee advises Diocesan Council regarding the distribution of funds for worthy outreach projects or ministries that fit within the parameters Jesus articulates in Matthew 25:35-36: "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me." The primary responsibility of the social outreach committee is to receive, evaluate, and respond to funding requests from parishes within the diocese. A secondary responsibility is to identify possible recipients of funds designated for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Comprised of persons representing various areas of the diocese, the Social Outreach Committee is appointed by the bishop. It meets several times a year to consider applications for financial assistance. The current members are:
The Rev. Cn. Clay Berkley, Chair
The Rev. Marion Carpenter
The Rev. Melissa Renner
The Rev. Kathy Townley
The Rev. Anne Wietstock
Congregational Revitalization & Development
The Congregational Revitalization & Development Committee advises Diocesan Council regarding opportunities for congregational growth and avenues for diocesan support. Its mission is to develop plans with congregations for revitalization by presenting the Gospel, implementing strategies for renewal of faith, and strengthening actions for mission; and to organize and implement plans for the expansion of God's Kingdom in our diocese through the development of new congregations.
… Redeployment needed …
Disciplinary Board
The Title IV Disciplinary Board of the Diocese of Northern Indiana serves jointly with the Disciplinary Board of the Diocese of Indianapolis. This joint board includes both Bishops. Each Diocesan Bishop appoints an Intake Officer for her/his respective Diocese. Mrs. Susan Czolgosz is our Intake officer. At our annual Diocesan Convention, we elect clergy and lay representatives as needed. The current members from Northern Indiana are:
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas Sparks
The Rev. Cn. Terri Bays, PhD (2025)
Mr. Stephen Drendall (2025)
The Rev. Cn. Dr. John Houghton (2025)
Mr. Bruce Krueger (2025)
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee advises Diocesan Council in matters of financial concern. In particular, the Finance Committee supervises the development of the annual Financial Statement of Mission, the investment of general Diocesan funds and the management of special trust funds.
Appointed by the Bishop and confirmed by Diocesan Convention, the Finance Committee is made up of persons with various complementary types of financial expertise. The Diocesan Treasurer serves as Chair of the Finance Committee. The current members are:
Mr. Jon Badur
The Rev. Thomas Gresik
Mr. Robert Schrum
Mr. Harley Snyder
Mr. Joseph Walker, Chair
Diocesan Foundation
The Diocese of Northern Indiana Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that supports the religious, educational, and charitable work of the diocese. It oversees funds in the following areas: education, outreach, congregation revitalization, and new congregations. Parishes, missions, and organizations affiliated with the diocese may apply to the Foundation for loans. The current members are:
The Rev. Cn. Clay Berkley (2027, 2nd term)
The Rev. Joseph Czolgosz (2026, 1st term)
Mr. Tim Esh (2025, 1st term)
Mr. Tim Gray (2026, 1st term)
Ms. Jane Hunter (2027, 2nd term)
The Rev. Terri Peterson (2025, 1st term)
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas Sparks, Chairperson (Ex-officio)
Mr. Joseph Walker, Treasurer (Ex-officio)
General Convention Deputation
The General Convention is the governing body of the Episcopal Church. Meeting every three years in a bicameral legislature—the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops the General Convention considers a wide range of important matters facing the Church. The work at Convention is carried out by deputies and bishops representing each diocese. Our diocese sends a delegation of four clerical and four lay deputies, in addition to our bishop. Our diocesan convention elects deputies two years prior to the year in which they will serve. Delegates to the 82nd General Convention will be elected at our 2025 diocesan convention.
The delegates for the 81st General Convention are:
Clerical Deputation
C1 - The Rev. Cn. Terri L. Bays, PhD (3-time deputy)
C2 - The Rev. Dr. Kirsten Guidero (2-time deputy)
C3 - The Rev. T.J. Freeman (3-time deputy)
C4 - The Rev. Kathy Townley (1-time deputy)
Lay Deputation
L1 - Mr. Evan Doyle (2-time deputy)
L2 - Mr. Paul Ricketts (1-time deputy)
L3 - Mr Timothy Skimina (5-time deputy)
L4 - Mrs. Pamela Barnes Harris
Province V Executive Board
The person elected to the Province V Executive Board represents the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana at monthly Province V Executive Board meetings. The current representative is:
The Rev. Canon Terri Bays, PhD
Province V Synod
Persons elected to the Province V Synod represent the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana at the Province V Synod. Delegates elected to represented the diocese at the Spring 2024 Synod are:
The Rev. Canon Terri Bays, PhD
Mr. Don Campbell
Mr. Brice Vinson-Schisler
For the Unity of the Church
O God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Savior, the Prince of Peace: Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions; take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatever else may hinder us from godly union and concord; that, as there is but one Body and one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.