Written by Deputy Susan Haynes, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Mishawaka
July 10, 2018
Deputation Denim Day (Back Row - Bishop Ed, Ted, Brian, Bishop Doug, Matthew, Susan, Tim: Front Row - Christopher, Pam, Terri, Michelle)
When Michael Curry was elected Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church in 2015, he identified three pillars as foundational for his episcopate: Racial Reconciliation, Evangelism, and Care of Creation. On Tuesday, Legislative Day 6, a joint session with the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops was held, focusing on the Care of Creation. Native Alaskan Bernadette Demientieff, of the Gwich'in tribe gave her testimony about her people's connection to the land and their dependence on the Porcupine Caribou, now threatened by oil drilling. She expressed concern about humanity's lack of care for creation: “We need to give to our children the Earth as it was when it was created, not as it will be when we're done with it.” As children of God, we were created to live in a Garden and to tend to it. God made us stewards of His creation and sadly, instead of caring for it, we have plundered it and wasted its valuable resources.
Deputy Susan Haynes, speaking to the House of Deputies
Many resolutions at this General Convention call us to be mindful of the Earth and how our behavior as human beings impacts it. These resolutions also offer solutions to climate change – some for which we need to advocate at the political level, but some which can be implemented at the parish level and even in our personal lives: carbon sequestering, locally sourced foods, habitat restoration, green burials, regenerative agriculture. You'll be hearing more about these things as we return from General Convention. In the meantime, it's Summer! Go outside: Walk in the woods, walk on grass, dig in the dirt! God formed you from the dirt, and it's time for you to reconnect!