Uprooting Racial Injustice


Gethsemane Episcopal Church hosted Uprooting Racial Injustice: A Racial Reconciliation Workshop on Saturday, October 14. Fifty to sixty people attended the event which addressed events in Marion, Ind. These included the 1930 lynching of two young black men, a police video in which four white police officers were taped holding down a young black man, and racist statements issued by a local official. The event focused on table discussions following three presentations on these issues. Those attending were invited to share their reactions, and to consider ways to move forward to deal with racism in our community. The day concluded with a prayer of reconciliation prepared by the international Community of the Cross of Nails, of which Gethsemane is a member.

Andrew Morrell, pastor of the REAL Community Covenant Church, a largely African-American group with whom Gethsemene partnered has this to say.

"I'm grateful for a couple of reasons: 1.) Torri Williams-Doehla did a phenomenal job of explaining American history and racism during [the] racial reconciliation workshop. Great work sister! 2.) White Christians who are seeking to understand the construction of racism/whiteness, it’s demonic impact on humanity, and tangible ways to proactively stand against racial injustice. Thank you Father Jim & Gethsemane Episcopal Church for rejecting complicity and silent spirituality for the sake of what’s right for all of humanity created in God’s image. You are bearing a credible witness of a Righteous Messiah named Jesus Christ. The more that Christians seek racial righteousness, the closer we’ll get to God’s beautifully just kingdom."

The workshop was featured on the front page of the Marion newspaper, the Chronicle Tribune. Read the article here.

Article submitted by Fr. Jim Warnock, Rector of Gethsemane Episcopal Church in Marion.