Episcopal Youth Camp - Staff Information
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Staff Application
We’d love to know if you’re interested in being on staff for this wonderful week! Once again this year we are using an electronic application. To get to the online application, please visit www.ednin.org and click the Youth Summer Camp link. Please note that you will need to fill out the application in one sitting as there is not a way to save it and return. You will also need to be prepared to fill out all medical forms and prescription med information at the time of your application. We have connected all of these forms to make it easier for you so please make sure you have the info ready.
Please complete the staff application by April 5th, 2024. We plan to be in touch with everyone by April 15th to let you know whether we can use your gifts at camp this year – and with luck, be able to give you an idea of where you may be working. As you consider your ability to take part in this wonderful ministry, here are some important dates to consider.
May 4: Mandatory pre-camp staff meeting at 1-3 p.m. (EDT) (ZOOM meeting)
May 18: Mandatory pre-camp staff meeting at 1-5 p.m. (EDT) (@ Camp Mack)
June 9: New Staff Orientation 9:30 a.m. (EDT), All Staff Eucharist 11 a.m. (EDT)
June 9-14: Please plan on clearing your schedule for the full week of camp.
While emergencies can arise in anyone’s schedule, please plan on being there for the entire week – it is best for our campers and our camp community.
For staff applicants that have children planning to attend camp, you will be asked to pay a discounted fee of $150.00 per child. If this cost is prohibitive to you, we ask you to start by asking your parish for assistance. However, please do not hesitate to contact us as well.
Camper registration will be online in April and will be available on the same website listed above. Parishes will be asked to include the camp dates and info in the weekly announcements and bulletins. As our active camp supporters, please check with your rector to make sure that the information is available in your parish. Sharing your camp experiences with others can also encourage new campers to attend! Thank you all for prayerfully considering being a part of this amazing time for our youth.
If you have any questions or need more information, please email us at episcopalcamp@ednin.org
In Christ,
Cindy, Daniel, Jodi & Megan
Camp Directors
Missioners for Camping Ministries
Daniel Kallenberg
Jodi Kallenberg
Cindy Spice
Megan Spice-Frede