New Happenings Ministry Camp

Dear Sisters, Brothers, Sibling in Christ,

Grace and peace be with you in Jesus, the Light for all people!

We have just completed our EDNIN Kids' Camp at Camp Mack under the direction of our new Missioners for Camping Ministries...Jodi and Daniel Kallenberg, Cindy Spice and Megan Spice-Frede. What a joy to be part of this formational ministry in our diocese.

We also have another camping ministry that has been part of our diocesan life for more than a decade...CAMP NEW HAPPENINGS. Camp New Happenings is a camping opportunity for pre-teen children of prisoners, to experience God's gifts of nature, kindness and togetherness, by sharing hopes and dreams within a positive camping experience.

I am designating the next three weeks as a time for you to consider making a financial contribution to support children during this year's week of camp which begins on Sunday, 25 July and runs through Saturday, 31 July at Camp Mack in Milford, Indiana.

Your clergy leader or lay leader may choose to designate one of the next three Sundays as Camp New Happenings Sunday. You can also send a check made out to the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana and in the memo line write Camp New Happenings.

All financial gifts will be used to support children coming for a week of camp! Thank you for your generosity!

Every blessing,

Bishop Doug
(he, him, his)