[This is an edited version of two letters received from Bp Lloyd Allen of the Episcopal Diocese of Honduras.
As you will read, when Bp Allen sent his first appeal in May, we responded with $4000 from Compañeros en Cristo, our committee for the companion relationship between Northern Indiana and Honduras. –John Schramm+]
It's pleasing to address you all once again from hot, humid, and still quarantined Honduras. I would like to begin my update to you all in the context of 2 Corinthians 2: 7-9.
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
Grace and Peace to you all from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Since I wrote to you last almost three months ago, friends, the power of the gospel is so overwhelming that it is not limited by the quality of the container. God displays his limitless power and glory by distributing through limited and Common human vessels. No matter how difficult their suffering in this work, Paul refuses to quit.
We in this diocese refuse to quit in the midst of this experience. This is a life experience for all of us, not one of us were prepared for Covid-19. We have now been quarantined for a little over 150 days. We may leave our home twice a month or every 15 days according to the last digit of one's ID. If you were caught on the streets without a right of passage permit, you are taken to prison for a couple of days, your vehicle confiscated and, before release, you have to pay a fine. On your free or outing day, you may go out wherever you wish, be it the supermarket, pharmacy or gas station.
The good news among all the health care situations is that all our clergy are accounted for. However, we have lost members of our congregations, school parents, and employees of different projects. In the midst of all the things lacking like biosecurity materials for the medical staff working at the public clinics and hospitals, and the lack of proper testing, our hospitals are about to collapse.
On the education spectrum, schools will not reopen for the remainder of the year. To date over 500,000 have lost their jobs. Last week the entire staff of a resort in Tela (my home-town) was fired.
This will affect registration at Holy Spirit Episcopal School. As of today, enrollment at all our schools is very low. Private schools will reopen online-only, and when the public system reopens in February only a few will have access to the system. 65% or 70% of students in the public schools will lose his/her school year. You must be aware of the fact that Honduras is mostly rural; kids living in rural areas are some of the most vulnerable. They will be unable to receive classes because they cannot afford a computer or they will not have access to an internet provider. These are sad cases. At one of our schools, we have a family whose husband and dad passed away, mom is left with triplets, they are students. Mom approaches the school asking for assistance. We need to help her, but my question is how? I have two families, members of two different congregations, whose parents have lost their jobs plus they have had to close their family business; these kids need to be in school.
At the outset of this pandemic I did two things:
I wrote appeal letters to bishop and clergy friends and companion diocese requesting support for the clergy and I also wrote an appeal letter requesting assistance to buy food for those less fortunate than ourselves and members of our congregations. With the assistance of the diocese of Central Florida, Diocese of Dallas, TEC, I was able to secure funding for clergy stipends through September. I was also able to raise almost $35 thousand with which we fed over 2500 families, needless to say we are still distributing food. This money came from a number of parishes, Individual friends and also friends from the Diocese of Northern Indiana, West Virginia, and other organizations, with which to provide food for people in need both Episcopalians or non-Episcopalians. Thanks to your donation we were able to make a difference in the lives of our church membership most of who live in rural communities. I am attaching a few pictures for you to see and I will share the experience of one of my lady priests while delivering the package of groceries which we labeled "Provision de Dios." [This is included untranslated—some of you, I know will be able to read it—John.]
Now, the government began the reopening of the economy of Honduras, which we think is happening at a bad time. Hospitals are on verge of collapse due to Covid-19. Domestic flights will resume on Monday August 10 and our borders will be open to international flights a week later. The government has been advised not to open; it's too early. However, it is determined to have its way. Seems like Covid-19 will be around for a long time. Please keep us in your prayers.
Once again Thank You for all you do for us.
In Jesus,
S.E. Revdma. Lloyd Emmanuel Allen, D.D.
III Obispo Diocesano de Honduras
Buen dia Señor Obispo
Quiza no sea fechas de temporas para escribirle a nuestro Obispo, sin embargo quiero compartir con su persona mi experiencia con la entrega de LA PROVISION DE DIOS, que dicho sea de paso doy gracias por la gestión en la obtención de estos fondos para paliar de alguna manera la necesidad alimentaria de nuestros hermanos en las diferentes comunidades en la que tenemos presencia como Iglesia Episcopal Hondureña.
El dia 14 de julio del presente año me hicieron entrega de 11 bolsas de LA PROVISION DE DIOS la cual contiene Arroz, frijoles, azúcar, manteca, maseca, harina , espaguetis, pasta de tomante, salsa kétchup, margarina, galletas para los niños.
Cabe hacer notar que una vez que se nos informó de la entrega de dichas bolsas, vía telefónica tuve una reunión con la junta de la Iglesia a fin de que decidiéramos juntos a quienes se iba a beneficiar con las mismas, pues se llegó a la decisión de otorgar la provisión a las familias con mayor necesidad.
Una vez que me hicieron entrega de las mismas, me desplacé hacia la montaña de la laguna del pedregal, caserío donde esta nuestra Iglesia El Mesías, a fin de entregarla a cada familia LA PROVISION DE DIOS, me dirigí a cada casa o sitio aledaño a las casa de los beneficiarios, de verdad nuestros hermanos estaban muy felices con esta provisión pues manifestaron que definitivamente fue de mucha bendición para cada hogar en virtud de la necesidad que impera en nuestro país por falta de trabajo.
Hubo dos de las beneficiarias que caminaron 2 horas de ida y dos de regreso para recibir la Provisión de Dios (también lo hacen para venir a la Iglesia) pues ellas formaron hogar y su vivienda ahora está muy jejos de la Iglesia, tuve mucho pesar de que no pudiéramos ayudar a más familias del lugar donde ellas vienen, porque si hay mucha necesidad por allá.
Fue triste el ver a la feligresía y tener que saludarnos de lejos.
Algo que me impacto mucho fue el hecho de que una de las feligreses de nombre Maribel una mujer muy luchadora y que dos días atrás tuvo su quinto hijo y quien recibió la provisión fue su hija mayor, cuando yo finalice de repartir las provisiones tuve una llamada telefónica de ella y llorando me manifestó su agradecimiento quiero literalmente escribir las palabras que ella me dijo “ Buen dia Reverenda, le llamo con lagrimas en mis ojos para decirle lo agradecida que estoy por esta bolsa que la Iglesia nos trajo, SOLO DIOS SABE LA NECESIDAD QUE TENIA , NO SABE QUE BENDICION TRAJO A MI CASA, ella me dijo NO teníamos que comer”, sin duda aún recuerdo sus palabras y asoman a mi ojos lágrimas de ver la necesidad de mi pueblo, del pueblo que Dios puso a mi cuidado pastoral, y como Dios se manifiesta en todo tiempo.
En esta comunidad los jefes de familia trabajan en la construcción como ayudantes o albañiles, un rubro que está muy deprimido en virtud de la cuarentena que estamos sometidos gracias a COVID-19 por lo que no hay ingresos para el núcleo familiar.
A lo largo de mi recorrido de ida y regreso a la comunidad vi en el boulevard personas pidiendo dinero para comprar comida, le juro que lo que quería era tener más bolsas con provisión para ayudar a mi pueblo. Señor Obispo tenemos mucho camino que recorrer aun, pido a Dios que siempre haya corazones nobles para poder llevar alivio a las necesidades de nuestro pueblo.
Rev. Karla Reyes +