23 April 2020
Dear Sisters, Brothers, Siblings,
Grace and peace be with you in Jesus, the Risen Christ!
Know that you remain in my prayer daily as we continue to adjust to the changes and challenges of living through the COVID 19 Pandemic!
I hope our pattern of weekly meeting…Tuesday morning – Clergy ZOOM Call, Wednesday afternoon – Clergy and Lay Leader ZOOM Call has been a helpful way of remaining connected and in conversation with one another about the various topics we are needing to address. I am grateful for your leadership and pastoral care for those entrusted to your care!
I received word on Tuesday that Gene Hollenberg, the Executive Director of Camp Mack, sent a letter out late on Monday evening sharing news of their decision not to be able to provide their regular summer camp this year. As you can imagine, this is a disappointment for so many young people and adults throughout our diocese. The Camping Ministry is a vital experience of faith formation and a unique opportunity to deepen our experience of God manifest in Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit…in the midst of God’s creation! It is especially disappointing for Kim and Tim Gray and Tamisyn Grantz, because this was their last season of camp as our Camp Directors. I want to express, on behalf of our sisters, brothers, siblings throughout the diocese, our gratitude for the wonderful and faith-filled summers of camp that they prepared for and directed! We will look for an opportunity to thank them when we can safely do so. The Design Team is meeting to explore what kinds of virtual experiences may be provided for our young people this summer. More information will be shared in early May.
In consultation with our Camp Directors, I am in the process of initiating a series of conversations about Camping Ministry in our diocese which will then lead to appointing a Working Group to assist with employing a new Director or Directors. This is an opportunity for us to enhance our ministry to young people and I ask for your prayerful support as we move forward.
I have begun to have Virtual Coffee Hours with those faith communities I was scheduled to visit in Lent and throughout the Easter Season. On Sundays, at 9 a.m. EDT or 11 a.m. EDT, I have arranged to meet via ZOOM Conference Call as a way of checking in with many of you. Thank you for your willingness to lean into this kind of visiting!
I know that several faith communities were looking forward for Baptisms, Confirmations, Receptions and Reaffirmations as part of my regular visitations. Unfortunately, they have been postponed. I am in conversation with my bishop, priest and deacon colleagues about how best to arrange for these liturgical celebration of initiation as well as ordination. It will be part our conversation this coming week and I look forward to sharing our plan as soon as possible.
It is also clear that we will need to attend to a Phased Approach to our Re-Gathering over the next 12 to 18 to 24 months which may include how we gather for Diocesan Convention…virtually…along with a myriad of other questions we will need to ask and come to a consensus together. Bishop Andy Doyle along with his staff in the Diocese of Texas has prepared a Resource Document and PowerPoint. I shared the PowerPoint with our clergy and lay leaders as a way of beginning this important conversation. Both of these resources can be found on our COVID 19 page on the website.
I want to thank everyone who has contributed to our experiences and opportunities for Virtual Worship during Holy Week and Easter Day and into the Easter Season. We have taken some transformational steps as Disciples of the Risen Christ on the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement in these last six weeks which has required vision, understanding, clarity, agility and patience in this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world.
Let us pray…This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen. (BCP, 461.
This comes with a brother’s love,
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas E. Sparks
VIII Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana