We are baptized for Life! Whether as an infant, a child or an adult, when we enter the waters of Baptism and participate with Jesus in his death and Resurrection, we do so for the rest of our lives. We are marked as Christ’s own forever!
Northern Indiana is one of six Dioceses in the country that has been invited to participate in a nationwide Episcopal Initiative of Discipleship called Baptized for Life. Funded by the Lilly Foundation and sponsored by Virginia Theological Seminary, Baptized for Life, has as its goal to help identify, embrace and sustain the vocation of every Christian. The Baptized for Life initiative is driven by the conviction that congregations, with God’s help, can form lives of meaning and purpose and can help individual Christians realize and live out their vocations.
Each Diocese that has been included in the Baptized for Life can include two to three congregations to participate in the initiative. In Northern Indiana, the congregations participating are St. Paul’s in Mishawaka and St. Thomas/Santo Tomas in Plymouth. This five-year initiative begins with participation in the RenewalWorks Spiritual Life Survey (sponsored by Forward Movement) which helps congregations to assess where they are spiritually. Using feedback from the survey, the congregation then engages over the next couple of years in four workshops, facilitated by an outside Catechist (trained by Virginia Theological Seminary). The workshops are based on the ancient Catechumenate which is an intentional process, marked by participation in communal worship, study, service and liturgical rites, that help an individual to deepen their level of commitment to the Way of Jesus. Congregations are also offered grant assistance of up to $25,000 for a ministry project that will facilitate their goals.
Baptized for Life invites congregations to draw deeply from such resources as Holy Scripture, the transforming power of the Eucharist, the life of the community and the heart of the leaders (both lay and ordained). If you have questions about the process of Baptized for Life in Northern Indiana, please contact Mtr. Susan Haynes, the Diocesan sponsor at susan.haynes@gmail.com.