Good morning. It's the third official day of convention and I'm quite confident that I speak for others when I say it feels like we've been here for weeks. Deputies on, or following, legislative committees are working from before dawn until past dark to refine their resolutions, amendments, and presentations to the floor.
I am awed and inspired by the passion and commitment that our deputation has in representing the Diocese of Northern Indiana here in Austin. We are making a difference! Please keep this deputation in your prayers ... that we will hear God's quiet whispers; that we will find time for enough rest and nourishment; that we will feel peace in our work and assurance in our representation of EDNIN; that we will make a positive impact in our own Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement! Blessings! (Alternate Deputy Michelle)
If you are an alternate or visitor, there are large tv monitors positioned around the edges. Each speaker on the floor is allowed 2 minutes to share their support or opposition to a resolution. When the timer is done, the video stream ends and the President of the House of Deputies politely tells him/her the time is up.
Things to watch for:
- Legislative Session (watch via livestream under House of Deputies or House of Bishops ) 10:30am-1pm CDT (Prayer Book revision discussion and voting is first on the schedule)
- TEConversations (Joint Session) on Evangelism (watch via livestream under House of Deputies 2:30pm CDT (Media Release)
- Worship - offsite at the Palmer Center 5:30pm CDT
From Friday:
Saturday's reflection from (Deputation Co-Chair) - Dean Brian Grantz
Good morning, Team EDNIN!
We live in the time between the times; between the revelation of the fullness of God's love in Jesus and the realization of that love for us. It is messy now. Now we are still trying to work things out. Now we strive for justice and peace. Now we struggle to understand. Now we persevere in resisting evil and, when we fall into sin, repent. AND, now Jesus comes to us. Now Jesus prays for us, as President Jennings so eloquently stated yesterday. Now Jesus opens wide his arms of love. "For in hope we were saved," Saint Paul says today, pointing us forward through the struggle of any given moment to the yet-unknown-but-surely-coming fulfillment of God's hope for us. Blessings!