#GC79 scheduled 3 intentional Joint Sessions (a time when the House of Bishops join the House of Deputies for conversation or presentations). These presentations will highlight the 3 focus areas of the Episcopal Church: Racial Reconciliation (July 6), Evangelism (July 7) and Care of Creation (July 10). The first of these TEConversations will be today. Details are below.
Most of our days are spent inside. To step outside and look up to the beautiful sun reflecting off this building made Missioner Michelle stop and give thanks.
Things to watch for today:
- TEConversations (Joint Session) on Racial Reconciliation (watch via livestream under House of Deputies 10:30am CDT (Media Release)
- Legislative meetings, morning and afternoon
- Legislative Session (watch via livestream under House of Deputies or House of Bishops ) 3:30pm CDT
- Worship (watch via the livestream under Worship) 5:45pm CDT
From Wednesday:
- Presiding Bishop Curry's Opening Eucharist Sermon
- Resolution B014 passed in the House of Deputies and will proceed to the House of Bishops. This is the resolution to compensate the President of the House of Deputies. (Episcopal News Service Article)
- Marriage-equality resolutions get long airing during committee hearings
- Committee will propose comprehensive revision of the Book of Common Prayer
Friday's reflection from (Deputation Co-Chair) - Dean Brian Grantz
Good morning, Team EDNIN!
This morning's reflection is rooted as much in the Daily Office lectionary itself as in the Scriptures it offers us. For several days we have been working through some of Paul's trickier theology on Spirit vs. flesh in Romans. In chapter 8, Paul launches into some of his most poetic, lofty, and inspirational work - one of his better sermons, as Bishop Curry said yesterday. "All who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God..." marks beginning of that turn.
The lectionary doesn't go too far beyond that today, but there is great stuff just around the corner. That is a mirror to the General Convention experience, I think. We slog through some very weighty, tricky, even mundane matters but, keeping Jesus at the center of our work, we know something wonderful is coming. Have a blessed Friday!