#GC79 - The Last Official Day of Convention (7/13)

It's the last day of convention!  We are all giddy to have our work complete, at least this phase of work.  We are all thrilled to return to our homes, to return to you ... our Northern Indiana families.  We thank you for your prayers and support.  We look forward to sharing our stories with you. 

AND, we look forward to not having this schedule rule our day!

2018-07-13 Schedule.jpg

For a bit of fun, check out our pigeon video.  Deputies Matthew, Brian, and Susan (with one other volunteer) were honored to entertain the House of Deputies for a few moments today.  Enjoy.

Friday's reflection from (Deputation Co-Chair) - Dean Brian Grantz

Good Morning, Team EDNIN!

On this last day of the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, the clergy chair of our deputation has this to say: Perhaps when scheduling future General Conventions, organizers should take the Office readings appointed for the proposed dates into account. Ending on Friday the 13th with Jesus speaking of the desecrating sacrilege is a bit troubling.

In all we do, in every action and intention of our work in Convention and everywhere else in our lives, it is not necessary that we ascend into heaven to conjure Christ back among us by some perfectly worded resolution or lofty speech. Neither is it required of us to descend into the abyss to un-"earth" Jesus, repenting of our complicity in making God's incarnation necessary. No. The Word is much closer than that; on our lips and in our hearts. I read once that the sacred name of God in Hebrew (YHWH) is onomatopoeia - a word derived from the sound it makes. The sacred name of God is the sound of our breathing - breathing in, then breathing out. Genesis speaks of the ruah Elohim, the breath of God, that animated humanity when God formed us from the dust of the earth. God is as close to us and as vital to our being in every second as the air we breath.

What is required of us is faith. Faith in something as simple as our next breath, and faith in something as profound as the assurance that when we at last draw our last breath, God is, and all shall be well. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Everyone. Todas.

Thank you for your good work these two weeks. Thank you for investing yourselves in this process, in our Church, and in one another. Thank you for the witness of the faith that lives in you in so many ways.

I sign off with the words of Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows from our closing Eucharist: "Now Jesus Movement, move..."