PrE-Connect is:
A readiness process for E-Connect and/or
A process that is engaged while waiting for the next E-Connect Link 1 training
Discernment Activities
Elected Leaders
Read and discuss the book A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation: Embarking on a Journey of Transformation.
Support the work of the E-Connect team
Pray regularly for the team and their discernment
E-Connect Team
Use Growing Together: Spiritual Exercises for Church Committees
Engage in and lead the Acts Bible study process
Read and discuss the book A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation: Embarking on a Journey of Transformation
How it Works
Elected leaders approve the congregation’s involvement and make a recommendation for the congregation to engage in this process.
Congregation affirms participation in the process and sign a Transformational Ministry Covenant.
Form a PrE-Connect and/or E-Connect Team at least four to six months prior to the next Connect Link 1 training event.
Complete the Congregational Vitality Survey short form at least two months prior to the next E-Connect Link 1 training event.
The Team
Consists of four-seven lay people and the pastoral leader.
Designates a team leader (not the pastoral leader).
Designated leader is the communicator to and from the team with E-Connect Administrator.
Is accompanied by a mentor
Invites the mentor to their monthly team meeting.
Discernment for the Next Step