Focus On Jesus

Infusing Prayer

By: The Rev. Susan B. Haynes

" ‘We believe that the divine presence is everywhere and that in every place the eyes of the Lord are watching' (Proverbs 15:3, 19.1 -- Rule of St. Benedict). This sense of the constant presence of God is something which St. Benedict is anxious that we should never forget. God's gaze is fixed on us, our thoughts and actions lie totally open to his view, we are always seen everywhere in God's sight (Rule of St. Benedict -- 7.10-13.) Our awareness of God's presence must be the ever immediate reality which underpins everything else. How amazingly uncomplicated St. Benedict makes the way to God. It is totally demanding but it is not out of reach." (Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict, Esther de Waal)

While traveling back and forth to South Carolina over the holidays, I read the book cited above. The author underscores St. Benedict's exhortation that praying can never be set apart from the rest of life, because prayer is life itself. Monks did not take a vow of prayer, be-cause it was assumed that their whole life would be undergirded, infused with constant prayer. Prayer was understood to be the Opus Dei, the work of God, and nothing was to be preferred to it. Love, of course, was most important; but prayer, particularly praying the Divine Office, was thought to be the most excellent witness to the community's love of Christ. Human love asks for time and attention in order to be cultivated, and as humans we come to love someone as we come to know that person. The same is true in our relationship with God. Love of Him calls for time and attention to Him, and we come to love Him as we come to know Him in prayer.

The beginning of prayer is a dialogue...we begin by entering a dialogue with God. Our first task in this dialogue is to be silent. In this silence, we are watching, waiting and listening. And then we respond, both corporately and personally. Our times of prayer should also be rich with Scripture...prayerful reading of Scripture. The fruit of our prayer should be the realization that God is present everywhere, constantly keeping us in His sight, constantly moving in our lives and attentive to us.

God desires conversation with us...and prayer is the beginning. St. Paul's has a strong tradition of prayer, its walls having received the voices of countless thousands of Christians over the last two centuries.  In January, we held an Adult Education Series about prayer led by Bishop Francis Gray.  He helped us reflect about prayer, sharing some of his own experiences and sharing suggestions for strengthening our prayer lives.

Welcome to By Word and Example

By: Canon SuzeAnne Silla

Welcome to By Word and Example!  My prayer for this site is that it blesses the Episcopal congregations in northern Indiana with information and inspiration. 

In our Baptismal Covenant we are asked:  “Will you proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ?”  That is exactly what we hope this site and its e-news articles will do, complimenting the parish-strengthening lessons (words) delivered in our diocesan Congregational Development Institute (CDI), and amplifying the examples of wonderful ministries and leadership in our parishes. 

 Our vision is not about bigger churches, but better ones.  The frameworks and models presented in CDI help parish leaders understand church dynamics and develop strategies for strengthening ministries.  Congregations are then empowered to find and effectively carry out what God is calling them to do in their corner of the Kingdom. 

By Word and  Example  will aim to provide information and tools to transform our congregations and to equip disciples based on our Diocesan Core Values and our Actions for Congregational Transformation (ACT). 


CORE VALUES  of the Diocese of Northern Indiana

A Passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ

A Heart for the Lost

A Willingness to Do Whatever it Takes

A Commitment to One Another


ACTIONS:  Evangelism, Conversion, Local Mission, World Mission

Stories here will also reveal deeper spiritual growth for individual CDI participants, many of whom experience a new “wholeness” to their spirituality.  From the Benedictine Promise to more familiarity with the Book of Common Prayer, CDI illumines our faith journeys and helps people find the courage to share that light with others by word and example.

Our Editorial Board is comprised of lay and clergy persons from around the Diocese.  We will all be initial contributors to the site, but we look forward to inspiring submissions from our readers as you share success stories from your own parish.

Thanks for checking us out!  Come back often!