By Linda Buskirk
Welcome to the re-launch of By Word and Example! We pray we will be a blessing of a blog site for the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana, and anyone else who wants to take a peek.
We apologize that we seemingly abandoned our original flight plan so abruptly. We hit a technical wall. Fortunately, when Jon Adamson at the diocesan office changed the platform for the diocesan website, he included this section for our BW&E blog. Thank you, Jon!
The purpose of By Word and Example is: To inspire congregations to act on the Five Imperatives of Ministry for our diocese, offering words from the lessons of the Diocesan Congregational Development Institute (DCDI) and other resources, and examples from our parishes and diocesan initiatives.
The Five Imperatives are: Focus on Jesus; Think Biblically; Proclaim the Good News; Feed the Hungry; Mentor the Young. You will find them in a row across the banner section of the blog page. As you click on each one, you will find articles of “word” or “example” that exemplify resources or actions that relate to that Imperative. We’ll add two new articles each month for one (1) of the Imperatives. The “featured Imperative” will be the one that shows up first when you arrive at the blog page.
The Five Imperatives are Bishop Little’s vision of what he prays the Diocese of Northern Indiana of today “will bequeath to future generations of Christians.” To learn more, visit this link for the Bishop’s address to the 2013 Diocesan Convention:
We encourage you to sign up for monthly emails alerting you to By Word and Example updates. We would also love to include news from around the Diocese of these Imperatives being lived out. So, if you have an example to share, or would like to provide a word article about a lesson learned, or a book review, please contact me via email.
In His service,
Linda Buskirk
Linda Buskirk, Editor, By Word and Example
Contributing Editors
Jon Adamson
Kelley Renz
The Rev. Canon SuzeAnne Silla
Rev. Jim Stanley