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Pilgrimage to Assisi, Italy

  • Diocese of Northern Indiana 117 North Lafayette Boulevard South Bend, IN 46601 United States (map)

Who: Anyone from the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana, and beyond!  
When: April 29 - May 9, 2025
Where: Assisi, Italy – Staying at a convent of Franciscan sisters in Assisi
Why: Explore, learn, & spend quiet time with God in a holy place with fellow Episcopalians
How much: ~$3,200 (Based on double occupancy, includes 3 meals daily and transport to/from Rome FCO airport on arrival/departure days. Airfare is separate.)

What exactly is pilgrimage? Pilgrimage begins when a person first experiences a longing to step away from the everyday, to travel, and to experience the sacredness of both the journey and the destination. It ends only when/if the precious memories and learnings are forgotten. Pilgrims prepare for, travel, and receive experiences differently than tourists, listening for and experiencing the Holy along the way.

What will we be doing? Following in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, Bishop Doug and the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana invite you to join us on an 11-day journey to the beautiful city of Assisi, led by the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. Our days will be spent exploring the spiritual homes of Saints Francis and Clare, while nurturing our own relationship with God along the way. Unlike a tourist’s itinerary, our days will be divided between prayer time, learning and exploring time, and contemplative time (which can be used for any of our favorite contemplative practices).  

Why this opportunity? (From Missioner Michelle Walker) I first experienced a Shalem Pilgrimage in 2018 on a journey to the holy island of Iona. I can attest that it was a truly life-altering experience for me. Without the need to rush from location to location and take in every possible adventure, I was able to truly sink into the experience of my destination and the holy people who were there before me. The time spent exploring contemplative practices ignited a desire for more time with God that continues to grow within me. Therefore, when Bishop Doug and I began talking about a Diocesan pilgrimage a few years ago, I couldn’t help but explore the Assisi Pilgrimage they offer. In reaching out to Shalem, they were delighted to partner with us. Bishop Doug will experience this pilgrimage April 16-24, 2024 to discern how our Episcopal practices can be incorporated alongside their well-established activities in this sacred place. Watch our EDNIN social media for his discoveries along the way.

What else do I need to know right now?

Thank you for your prayerful consideration about whether this pilgrimage might be right for you!

Later Event: May 16
2025 Spring Youth Retreat