Ever wonder what it is like to take a seminary course?
This spring, the Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Warne (St Paul's, Mishawaka), in conjunction with Baptized for Life, will be teaching a course on Baptism. This will be an intense study over the next four months that will get into the debates and theological nuances of baptism and its relationship to other aspects of the Christian life. For example, we will be looking at the history and development of baptism along with asking what baptism has to do with rites of initiation, confirmation, and ethics. There will be readings and discussions that will challenge and encourage you.
Further, as our final summative event on June 12, we will have an expert in theology and liturgy from Notre Dame, Dr. Maxwell Johnson (Click Here) come and talk with us about what we have learned, and answer any further questions we might have from our studies.
We will be meeting Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:45 and our first meeting will be Feb 13. This course will be taught on-line. (We will not meet April 10, 17 or 24.)
For those who are worried about the cost of books, we will help you purchase them. Just let us know your needs.
All are invited. Please send Fr Nate an email if you are interested so he can send on the book list and syllabus before the start date.