ESFM Year One, Semester Two
Sometimes you want to learn a little more than you can get from (or put into) the typical Sunday sermon. Sometimes you want someone else to talk with about that passage you just read or that thorny theological question you’ve been wrestling with. Sometimes you wish that topic had been addressed when you were in school.
Gathering in person one Saturday a month at the Wawasee Retreat Center in Syracuse, ESFM will offer courses on topics such as scripture, church history, liturgical studies, and theology as well as training in practical areas such as leading worship, preaching and visiting the homebound. The materials have been created by the Iona Collaborative at Seminary of the Southwest and will be led by local facilitators. Whether you are a lay person pursuing spiritual and intellectual enrichment, someone engaged in the process for ordination, or an ordained person seeking to continue your education, you are welcome to become a part of ESFM!
ESFM dates for the second semester will be: Mar 9, Apr 6, May 11, Jun 8, and July 27. On each of these Saturdays, two courses will run at a time in the morning and afternoon:
10 a.m.-12 p.m. (Eastern)
A—Hebrew Scriptures (taught in English): The Prophets and Wisdom Literature. ($250)
B—Licensed Preacher Training ($250/$50)
1-3 p.m. (Eastern)
A—Church History: English Reformation through the Contemporary Church ($250)
B—Theological and Ethical Studies ($250)
3:30-5:30 p.m. (Eastern)
A—Pastoral Theory and Practice ($250)
B—Liturgical Theory and Practice: The Pastoral Offices ($250)
For each session, participants will read assigned texts and watch video lectures beforehand. They then will come together at Wawasee for facilitated discussion and other activities aimed at engaging the material more deeply. Afterwards, a written assignment will help learning take root and grow. Those completing the five sessions and their related assignments will receive a certificate of participation.
Register by February 15 in order to receive log in credentials in time to prepare for the first class.
The Rev. Canon Terri Bays, Ph.D.
Missioner for Transitions and Formation