Diocesan Convention 2018
The 120th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana will be held at the Cathedral of St. James, South Bend, IN on Saturday, November 3, 2018.
The Very Rev. Brian Grantz and the people of the Cathedral welcome you to join them for this one-day convention.
Schedule of Events (Eastern Time)
Saturday, November 3rd
9:00 am Registration
10:00 am Convention Eucharist
12 noon Lunch
12:30 pm Business Meeting
4-5 pm Sending Prayer
Please note that all times given are Eastern Time.
For a printable version, download here.
Clergy of the Cathedral and the host deans are asked to vest and process at the Convention Eucharist (white stole). Other bishops, presbyters, and deacons are invited to be seated in the assembly.
Parking is available at the Cathedral of St. James as well as at First United Methodist Church. Please feel free to use both lots knowing that we will begin our day at the Cathedral and end it at First United Methodist. The distance between is 2 blocks.
Delegate List (Final - 10/30/2018)
Guest Registration Form (not for delegates)
Delegate/clergy Dietary Restrictions
Delegate Change Form - ONSITE only now.
For Delegates
Instructions on parliamentary procedure
Minutes of the 119th Convention
Actions of the Bishop Oct 2017- Aug 2018
2019 Proposed Financial Statement of Mission
5/1: Delegate lists due to Secretary
8/1: Notice for various written reports
9/1: Written reports due. Nominations due. Resolutions due.
9/8: C&C Committee resolution revisions due.
9/10: Treasurer delivers 2019 budget.
9/10: Diocesan assessment modification requests due.
9/15: Revised resolutions due.
9/29: Pre-convention deanery meeting announcements due.
10/13: Nomination report due.
10/20: Pre-convention deanery meetings must be complete.