Pictured L-R: The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas E. Sparks (Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana), The Rev. Pamela Thiede, and The Rev. Dr. William O. Gafkjen (Bishop of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA)
The Rev. Pamela Thiede
Faith Community: Vicar at Calumet Episcopal Ministry Partnership (CEMP) on Sundays and St. Paul Lutheran Church (Michigan City) on Saturdays
Education: B.S. in Comunications from Elmhurst College (Elmhurst, Ill.)
M.Div. from Trinity Lutheran Seminary (Columbus, Ohio)
Hometown: Michigan City, Ind. My family moved here when I was four years old. As a young adult, I left; and 40 years later, I’m glad to be back by the shores of Lake Michigan.
Who does your immediate family consist of?: It’s just me and my morkie, Moppet. In other places throughout the country, you will find three brothers, four sisters-in-law, eight nieces, two nephews, a bunch of great-nieces, and even a few great-great-nieces and nephews. My parents and one brother are deceased.
In what ministries do you participate?: As a pastor, pretty much all of them in some way.
Who is your greatest inspiration?: That is a hard question. Right now, I would have to say it is my friend and mentor, Pastor Vicki Garber, a Spirit-led woman of great faith who loves the Lord and all the people he puts in her path.
Favorite sports team?: The Cubs! (I am also a soccer fan, but don’t follow any team in particular.)
What’s God been teaching you recently?:
Technology: Leading worship (Daily Office services) on Facebook Live, Zoom, and Webex as tools in ministry, although I still have a lot to learn.
After 20 years of being a solor pastor and hearing horror stories about staff ministry from some colleagues, I am learning to share ministry leadership and enjoying the benefits of “two heads are better than one.”
What was your first job?: A work-study job my senior year in high school as the secretary in a real estate office.
What’ was your proudest moment?: Probably October 23, 1999—my ordination and how special it was to commune my father and other family members for the first time.
What’s one place you’d like to visit before you die and why?: Been there, done that (wouldn’t mind doing it again): The Holy Land; maybe Germany, the land of my ancestors (and Oberammergau for the Passion Play)
What’s your favorite TV series?: Too many to pick a favorite
What’s your most memorable experience?: The trip to Israel and Egypt with my father (we were part of a group) the summer before I began seminary.
What’s your favorite book?: Well, the Bible is pretty neat. It has adventure, intrigue, romance, and the greatest love story ever (God’s love for humanity). Recently, I’ve also been enjoying Debbie Viguie’s Psalm 23 Mystery series. I’m eagerly waiting for the next one to come out in print.
What are your hobbies?: Music (although I haven’t played nor sung much recently), reading, and handcrafts (mostly knitting and crocheting).
What was your childhood ambition?: I remember in fifth grade learning about Lutheran Deaconnesses and wanting to pursue that career path.
What was your favorite food?: Like the TV shows, I like too many to pick a favorite. However, I probably have the weakest self-control around a good brownie.
What ‘s your most recent purchase?: Does today’s lunch count? Actually, I recently got “real” internet installed in my apartment. Before that, I just had a little jetpack that converted some of my cell phone’s data plan into slooow internet access.